Friday, December 27, 2019

Top 10 Careless Resume Update Mistakes

Top 10 Careless Resume Update MistakesTop 10 Careless Resume Update MistakesTop 10 Careless Resume Update MistakesSince its International Update Your Resume Month, I thought Id share an oldie-but-goodie post to help you update your resume and avoid common mistakes. EnjoyWhen we get anxious about looking for a new job, we tend to overlook obvious details in our resumes. Example A man whod been working overseas had a great resume, but forgot to update his contact information when he returned to the States. That meant every potential employer got an overseas mailing address and phone number. Guess how many of them called him for an interview. Can you say woops?You might think youd never make such an obvious mistake, but it happens all the time, especially if you havent so much as glanced at your resume in several years. So here are the top 10 careless mistakes to avoid when you update your own resumeInactive email address. Make sure its the one you use today, bedrngnis the one you disab led five years ago. And triple-check the spellingOld phone numbers, or no number at allOld mailing address. Even if you just moved, sending a resume with your old mailing address is inexcusable. This is especially critical if youve made a long distance move. Lets say you moved from South Carolina to Utah but didnt update your resume. Employers in Utah could easily dismiss your resume, assuming you live on the other side of the country and might expect relocation reimbursements.Missing experience. The resume that got you a job five years ago is not going to impress todays employers if you forget to add your most recent job to the list, complete with experience and accomplishments.Confusing abbreviations and acronyms. Every company has internal lingo and acronyms, but thats exactly what they areinternal. Maybe your old boss knew what NIOSH 582 Method 7400, AOR, or IBS-CMM stood for, but the person reading your resume might have no idea. Explain and spell out anything questionable.Nond escript company names. Wow, you did some great work for SmallCo., but who are they and what do they do? Unless your employer was a household name like Dell,, Apple, or IBM, always include a very brief description of the type and size of the business.Outdated and irrelevant jobs. Dont just add new experience to your resume, subtract old positions, too That daycare job in high school might have helped get you into an entry-level retail position, but now that you have a few years of relevant experience behind you, take out the stuff that no longer matters. (While youre at it, take out anything that goes beyond the last 10-15 years.)References included. One word NO Do not include references on your resume, and dont even say References available upon request. Thats sooooo 2000.Bad filename. What you name your resume is mora important than you think. Nondescript or out-of date names like MyResume2004, or names that include typos or another companys name will all put a bad taste in the employers mouth. (Get more on this topic in the links below.)Unnecessary education info. When you were looking for your first post-college job, it may have been a good idea to state your class ranking, GPA, leadership roles you held on campus, and academic honors you received. But if its been at least five years since you graduated, you should list nothing more than the name of your school the degree, diploma, or certification you received and the year of completion.Sometimes its the most obvious issues that are hardest to see. Avoiding these 10 mistakes wont guarantee youll have a perfect resume, but they will guarantee you dont get posted on the employers bulletin board as a bad example.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Corporate Culture

Corporate CultureCorporate CultureOverviewThe phrase corporate cultureis shorthand for the body of formal rules and informal customs that characterize how a given company organizes itself, conducts business and treats its staff. It is perhaps mora precise to talk instead about organizational culture, since the same issues pertain to organizations of all sorts, such as nonprofits, governmental agencies, partnerships and sole proprietorships, and not just to for-profit enterprises that are legally constituted as corporations. See our article that offers tips for choosing employers, which addresses some of the following aspects of corporate culture from slightly different angles. BureaucracyCompanies that are characterized as bureaucratic tend to have extensive written work rules and procedures, many layers of management, and/or slow decision-making processes, with multiple approvals and sign-offs required to move ahead on a typical business initiative. The presence of robust legal, com pliance, internal audit and/or risk management departments and systems is often an indication of a bureaucratic corporate culture. Chain of CommandIn corporate cultures that enforce military-style chains of command, employees typically only have direct dealings with peers, immediate superiors, and immediate subordinates. In large organizations that also have many layers of management, the flow of directives from above and information from below can be very slow, as the chain of command protocol requires multiple hand-offs along the way. This also is bound to result in sluggish reaction times to changing business conditions. Reward StructuresThe correlation between performance and reward in some corporate cultures is rather weak, either because of the problems of measuring employee performance scientifically or because the company does not see an imperative to do so. For instance, in nonprofits, government agencies and regulated utilities, the linkages between employee competence and the organizations financial health often are blurry at best. See our article on designing incentive systems. SenioritySome organizations make seniority, or years of experience, a key factor in determining an employees eligibility for promotion or pay increase. Where such a corporate mindset exists, it normally is not found in formal written rules, but rather in customary practices in dealing with staff. Union contracts typically tie compensation and eligibility for promotion explicitly to seniority. In heavily unionized companies, such a culture also tends to carry over to the treatment of non-union management employees. PaternalismSome corporate cultures take a nurturing approach to employees, seeking to foster long-term employment and stable workforces through generous pay and benefits packages, as well as through a serious commitment to what has come to be called work-life balance issues. Companies with this sort of culture are becoming increasingly rare. More common are compani es that expect their employees to be footloose, and which are comfortable with high employee turnover. Some companies even encourage high turnover, in order to keep wages down and squeeze maximum effort out of eager new recruits, then dispose of them once they are burned out physically and/or emotionally. See our discussion of up or out policies. NepotismStrictly speaking, nepotism consists of favoritism towards relatives. In a looser sense, it also can include favoritism towards friends, friends of relatives and friends of friends. Nepotism can manifest itself in hiring, promotion, pay, work assignments and recognition. That is, the beneficiaries of nepotism may be hired or promoted into positions that they otherwise would not merit had they not possessed the relationship in question. They may receive higher pay and more favorable work assignments than their peers, or be given awards and recognitions that they technically do not deserve. See our articles on entrenched problem emp loyeesand, in a related vein,a political use of an employee survey. To some extent, the existence of nepotism is in the eye of the beholder. The presence of high numbers of related individuals in a given firm or organization is taken as de facto evidence of nepotism by some people. Meanwhile, some companies see no problem with hiring related people, while others view this as a matter of concern. In cases where a work colleague or subordinate is a close relative of a senior executive, working with or managing that person can become a highly sensitive matter. At its worst, nepotism produces incompetence in key positions, and not just in managerial or executive slots. geschftszimmer Politics Also called organizational politics, corporate politics or workplace politics. Broadly speaking, office politics encompasses the ways in which people wield power and influence in an organization. The phrase typically has negative connotations. When a firm is said to have a highly political culture, that usually is shorthand for saying that the officially stated goals of the organization actually have become subordinated to personality clashes and private agendas. Among the hallmarks of highly political organizational cultures are Nepotism (see section above)Weak linkages between performance and reward (also see section on reward structures above) Project approvaldependent more on the position and influence of the proponent than on the object merits of the project itselfRampant personal empire building (see section below) Personal Empire BuildingIncreasing the size (as measured by a number of employees, budget, revenues, etc.) of an organization normally results in greater prestige and compensation for the manager or executive who heads it. Accordingly, there often is a political imperative for managers and executives to grow their organizations even if the result actually is harmful to the overall profitability of the firm. Among the means for achieving such growth are throug h new project proposals and by the lobbying for the takeover of existing departments and functions. See our article that discusses personal empire building in more detail.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Power of Attorney FAQ - Australia-WA

Power of Attorney FAQ - Australia-WAPower of Attorney FAQ - Australia-WAGeneral InformationWhat is a Power of Attorney?A Power of Attorney is a document in which one partie (the Donor) appoints anotzu sich person (the Attorney) to act for him or her. There are many reasons why you might want to appoint someone else to look after your financial affairs. For example, if you are going to be out of the country for a lengthy period of time, you might want someone to do your banking while you are gone. If you are approaching old age, you may want to give a Power of Attorney to a person you trust so that he or she can manage your property for you.What are the differences between enduring and ordinary Powers of Attorney?There are two major types of Powers of Attorney ordinary and enduring.An ordinary Power of Attorney is only valid as long as the Donor is capable of acting for him or herself. If the Donor dies or becomes mentally incompetent, the Power of Attorney is invalidated.An Enduring Power of Attorney remains valid even if the Donor later becomes mentally incompetent. (Note the Donor must be competent at the time the Power of Attorney is made.)In either case, the Power of Attorney becomes invalid when the Donor dies. A Power of Attorney cannot be used to bequeath property upon the death of the Donor.What are the differences between general and specific Powers of Attorney?A general Power of Attorney is one that gives the Attorney the authority to do anything the Donor could do him or herself. A specific Power of Attorney is one that gives the Attorney authority to act for a particular purpose. (For example to buy or sell a particular piece of property.)Will a Power of Attorney still be valid after the Donor dies?NO. Generally Speaking, when a person dies, the Executor (also called a Personal Representative) appointed in the persons Last Will and Testament takes control of the deceased persons property and distributes it according to the instructions in the Will. If there is no Will (or if the Will is invalid), each jurisdiction has intestacy legislation that distributes the deceased persons property to his or her relatives according to a set of rules. A court generally appoints an Administrator to oversee this process. Unfortunately, the deceased persons wishes are not taken into account during the process (which can be very lengthy), since they have not been formally expressed in the proper manner.Will a Power of Attorney allow me to appoint someone to make welfare and medical decisions on my behalf?In most of Australia, powers of attorney do not give someone the right to make decisions about your welfare or medical treatment. Usually, a medical power of attorney or anticipatory directive is required to absprache with non-financial matters. The exception to this rule is found in Australian Capital Territory and Queensland. In the Australian Capital Territory you can use your Enduring Power of Attorney to appoint someone to ansturm your eve ryday affairs (other than property and money) and consent to medical treatment and medical donation while you are incapacitated. In Queensland you can use your Enduring Power of Attorney to appoint someone to make personal and health decisions when your capacity is impaired.The DonorWho is the Donor?The Donor is the person who needs someone else to act for him or her. The Donor must be an adult. The Donor must be capable of making his or her own decisions at the time the Power of Attorney is executed (signed).What is incapacity?A person is incapable of managing property if the person is unable to understand information relevant to making a decision about the management of property, or if the person cannot appreciate the foreseeable consequences of making (or not making) a decision about the management of property.The AttorneyWho is the Attorney?The person appointed by the Donor is called the Attorney. The Attorney is the person who acts for the Donor.Does the Attorney have to be a l awyer?No, there is no need for the Attorney to be a lawyer. (See below for Attorney qualifications.)What qualifications does an Attorney need to have?The Attorney must be a capable adult. The Attorney cannot be an undischarged bankrupt. The Attorney should not be the owner, operator or employee of a nursing home or extended care facility in which the Donor is a resident.What qualities should I look for in an Attorney?Your Attorney must be someone whom you trust completely. In addition, remember that your Attorney will have complete authority to deal with your financial and legal affairs (subject to any limitations or restrictions specified in your Power of Attorney). You should ensure that the person you choose has adequate financial management skills and sufficient time to handle your affairs properly. Your Attorney must be available when required, be able to objectively make decisions and be able to keep accurate financial records.What are the responsibilities of my Attorney?Your Attorney has the following responsibilities to act in your best interest to keep accurate records of dealings/transaction undertaken on your behalf to act for you with the utmost good faith and to avoid situations where there is a conflict of interest and to keep your property and money separate from their own.Is it okay to appoint a relative as Attorney?Yes, people often appoint relatives as Attorneys.Can my Attorney also be a beneficiary in my will?Yes.What are Joint or Joint Several Attorneys?Sometimes a Donor will want to appoint two Attorneys. In that case the Donor must decide whether the Attorneys will be joint Attorneys or joint and several Attorneys. Joint Attorneys must act together. They must both agree before any action can be taken, and they must both take the saatkorn action at the same time. If one is absent, no action can be taken. Joint and several Attorneys can act together or individually. Either one can take an action without consulting the other. If one is abse nt, the other can still act.In Western Australia, is my Attorney legally required to act in a certain way?Under the Guardianship and Administration Act (1990) your Attorney must exercise his or her powers with reasonable diligence to protect your interests (if your Attorney fails to do so, they could be liable for any losses which result) keep and preserve accurate records and accounts of all dealings and transactions made under the power (there is a $2,000 penalty if this obligation is not met) may not renounce their power while you, as the Donor, are incapacitated (the Attorney must make application to the State Administrative Tribunal for alternative arrangements to be made).If you are concerned about how your Attorney is managing your property or financial affairs, it is recommended that you contact the State Administrative Tribunal. The tribunal can formally review your Enduring Power of Attorney and determine whether any additional protection is required to safeguard your inte rests.In Western Australia, what happens if my Attorney is no longer able to act on my behalf?If your Attorney is no longer able to act on your behalf, you will have to revoke the Power of Attorney. However, if you are no longer able to make decisions for yourself, then you will not be able to revoke the Power of Attorney. In such situations, your Attorney will have to apply to the State Administrative tribunal and make alternative arrangements to ensure that your interests will be protected. Your Attorney is legally required to continue acting as your Attorney until these arrangements have been made. In Western Australia, what is an Alternate/Substitute Attorney? Do I need one?It is a good idea to appoint an alternate/substitute Attorney but it is not absolutely necessary. An alternate/substitute Attorney can only act when the Attorney is unable or unwilling to continue acting for the Donor. Note A third party (e.g. the Donors bank) may require proof that the original Attorney is u nable to continue as Attorney before accepting instructions from the alternate. Where two Attorneys have been appointed, you will need to indicate whether your substitute attorney will be replacing either of your original attorneys or both of your original attorneys.Western Australia I am an Attorney. How should I sign documents on the Donors behalf?There is no one standard way for an Attorney to sign documents. However, when you do sign, it is important that you clearly state who the Donor is and that you are acting as their Attorney. One convention is to write the Donors name, then sign your name, and then indicate that you are the Attorney. The following is an exampleJohn Johnson, by Jane Smith, Attorney.You should always have a copy of the Power of Attorney with you whenever you are acting as an Attorney. You may be required to sign an affidavit stating that the Power of Attorney is valid, that it hasnt been revoked, and that the Donor is still alive. And remember failure to com ply with directions given by the Donor, without reasonable cause, can leave you subject to civil liability for any damages caused by noncompliance.Place and TimeWhat is Jurisdiction?A jurisdiction is a distributionspolitik that has its own laws. It is a territory with boundaries, such as a state or a province. For example, California is a jurisdiction in the United States, Ontario is a jurisdiction in Canada, Scotland is a jurisdiction in the United Kingdom and Queensland is a jurisdiction in Australia.What is the Governing Law?A Power of Attorney is governed by the law of the jurisdiction where the actions of the Attorney will be performed. Normally, this is the place in which the property of the Donor is located. Therefore, it is not a good idea to appoint an Attorney who resides in a different jurisdiction, unless the property or assets you want the Attorney to deal with are also in the different jurisdiction. If you anticipate that your Attorney will be acting in more than one j urisdiction, you should probably make separate Powers of Attorney for each jurisdiction.Examples If your bank accounts and other property are located in the jurisdiction where you live, you will want to appoint an Attorney who lives in the same jurisdiction. If you live in one jurisdiction but have a bank account or other property someplace else, and you want an Attorney to deal with that property, you will want to choose the place where the property is located as the governing law, and appoint an Attorney who is located in (or is willing to travel to) the same jurisdiction as the property.When does a Power of Attorney start?The Power of Attorney will start on the date/occasion specified in the document however special provisions apply to powers of attorney dealing with property and Enduring Powers of Attorney that come into effect after the donor has lost capacity.If a Power of Attorney comes into effect immediately, the Attorney will be able to, subject to directions of the Donor, make property and financial decisions including decisions about land transactions as soon as the Enduring Power of Attorney has been appropriately completed and accepted by Department of Land Information (DLI).If an Enduring Power of Attorney comes into effect only after the donor loses capacity, an application will need to be made to the State Administrative Tribunal for a Declaration of Capacity. If a determination is made that the Donor has lost capacity, the Tribunal will make an Order for the EPA to come into effect. An Enduring Power of Attorney coming into effect only after the donor loses capacity, can be lodged at the time it is given, but no interest in land can be dealt with until determination of capacity has been made by the Tribunal and lodged at DLI.How/when does a Power of Attorney end?An ordinary Power of Attorney ends automatically when the Donor becomes mentally incapacitated or dies. An Enduring Power of Attorney ends automatically when the Donor dies. As long a s you are mentally capable, you may revoke your Power of Attorney at any time by notifying your Attorney (in writing) that the Power is revoked and destroying the original Power of Attorney. Otherwise, a Power of Attorney continues in effect indefinitely, unless the document specifies an end date.Can I revoke my Power of Attorney after I have become incompetent?A person who is incompetent cannot revoke an Enduring Power of Attorney. However, an ordinary Power of Attorney is automatically revoked when the Donor is found to be incompetent.How do I revoke my Power of Attorney?You can revoke, or cancel, a Power of Attorney by giving your Attorney a written notice saying that his or her power has ended. Also, you may make a new Power of Attorney that states your previous Power of Attorney is now revoked (but you must still notify the previous Attorney of the revocation). Third parties (e.g., people or organisations that have been dealing with the Attorney) must also be notified. Addition ally, if your Power of Attorney is registered you must also register the revocation.Please note that if you fail to inform your attorney of the revocation, your Attorney can legally continue to make decisions on your behalf.PowersShould I put restrictions on my Attorney?When you give a general Power of Attorney, you give your Attorney the authority to do anything you could do yourself, with a few exceptions - such as areas where you possess skills that your attorney doesnt (e.g. if you are a dentist, you cannot authorise your Attorney to practice dentistry on your behalf). But there may be some things you would prefer your Attorney did not do. For example, you may want to require that your Attorney get prior approval from you before signing cheques for large amounts on your account.Should my Attorney be allowed to personally benefit from managing my assets?If the person you are appointing as your Attorney is also a member of your family or a beneficiary in your will, you may want th at person to be able to personally benefit from managing your assets, since you intend that person to become owner of the assets eventually. Generally, however, it is probably not a good idea to allow your Attorney to personally benefit from managing your assets as this creates a conflict of interest for your Attorney, who is legally obligated to act in your best interest, not his or her own best interest.What can the Attorney do?The Attorney may transact business respecting the Donors property in all areas specified by the Donor.Is the Attorney obligated to do anything?Generally speaking, the Attorney is not obligated to act for the Donor. However, in some circumstances the Attorney may agree, in writing, to accept an obligation to take action when necessary. When the Attorney acts on behalf of the Donor, the Attorney must act in the best interest of the Donor.Does my Attorney have the authority to act while I am still available and able to take care of my own finances?Generally sp eaking, a Power of Attorney is effective as soon as it is executed (signed and witnessed, etc.) whether or not the Donor is available or able to handle his or her own affairs. However, the document might specify that it will only be effective under certain conditions. For example, some Powers of Attorney specify that they will not come into effect unless and until the Donor has become mentally incompetent to handle his or her own finances. Note Some jurisdictions do not allow Powers of Attorney that commence upon the occurrence of a condition or event such as mental incapacity.Signing DetailsWhat does it mean to execute a document?When a person executes a document, he or she signs it with the proper formalities. For example If there is a legal requirement that the signature on the document be witnessed, the person executes the document by signing it in the presence of the required number of witnesses.How should I sign my Power of Attorney document?To be valid, you must sign the docu ment with your usual cheque signing signature. You should also initial each page of the document. The signing and the initialing of the pages must occur in the presence of your notary or witness(es).After you have signed and initialed your document in front of your notary or witness(es), your notary or witness(es) must sign on the applicable page of the Power of Attorney and should initial each page. This must occur in your presence.Can anybody act as a witness?Your witness(es) cannot be your spouse, partner, child, your Attorney or alternate Attorney, or the spouse of your Attorney or alternate Attorney. Some jurisdictions disallow witnesses that are mentioned in your will, either as beneficiary or executor/executrix. You should generally avoid having witnesses that have any financial relationship with you. The witness(es) must be of legal age in your jurisdiction, they must have capacity and be mentally capable of managing their property and making their own decisions.Who is autho rised to witness declarations in Western Australia?Under Schedule 2 of the Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations Act 2005 the following people are authorised to witness declarations in Western Australia Academics (post-secondary institution) Accountants Architects Australian Consular schreibstubers Australian Diplomatic Officers Bailiffs Bank managers Chartered secretaries Chemists Chiropractors Company auditors or liquidators Court arbeitszimmerrs Defence force officers Dentists Doctors Engineers Industrial organisation secretaries Insurance brokers Justices of the Peace Lawyers Local Government CEOs or deputy CEOs Local government councilors Loss adjusters Marriage celebrants Members of Parliament Ministers of religion Nurses Optometrists Patent attorneys Physiotherapists Podiatrists Police officers Post office managers Psychologists Public notaries State Commonwealth public servants Real estate agents Settlement agents Sheriffs or Deputy Sheriffs Surveyors Teachers Tribun al officers Veterinary surgeons and anyone authorised under the Commonwealth Statutory Declarations Act 1959 to take a statutory declaration.Does it matter where the Power of Attorney document is signed and witnessed?If your document will be used in a different jurisdiction - but not in a foreign nation - there is no problem with having the document signed and witnessed where you live, rather than where the document will be used. The witnessing requirements (number of witnesses required, whether or not notarisation is needed) should still be those of the place where the Power of Attorney will be used, however.Can I use my Power of Attorney in a different state/territory?Some territories and states have mutual recognition provisions in their Power of Attorney legislation which provide portability of powers within Australia. Before trying to use a power of attorney created in a different jurisdiction review the legislation of the jurisdiction where you wish to use the power of attorne y to ensure that your Power of Attorney will be accepted.What if my Power of Attorney will be used in a foreign nation?If your document is intended to be used in a foreign nation, you may have to have it authenticated or legalised. This is a process whereby a government official (e.g., the Secretary of State, the Foreign Office, the Office of the Attorney General - depending on where you live) certifies that the signature of the authority (e.g., notary or solicitor) on your document is authentic and should be accepted in the foreign nation. For more information about document authentication and legalisation, contact the local consulate/embassy of the foreign country your document will be going to, or one of the following government web sitesUnited States https// Considerations Do I have to pay my Attorney?Depending on the kind of relationship you have with the person who will be acting as your Attorney, you will have to consider whether they should be paid for their services. You can stipulate in your document that your Attorney will not receive any payment except the reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses, or you can agree to pay your Attorney a specified amount. If you prefer, you can authorise your Attorney to pay him or herself a reasonable amount for acting for you. However, you do not need to pay your Attorney for the power to be effective. Generally, payment is only made when a trust company or other professional person/organisation is acting as your Attorney.Should I have my Attorney prepare financial statements?You can require your Attorney to prepare periodical financial statements and send them to your accountant, lawyer or some other person you choose. This is a good deal of work, however, and most people do not require it of unpaid Attorneys.Note Attorneys should keep records of their actions.What are co-owned assets?If your Attorney is a family member, you may be joint owners of property. It is important to state this in your document, so that third parties dealing with your Attorney understand that the Attorney is entitled to co-own assets with you. Otherwise, the co-owning of assets could give the impression of impropriety.Do I have to record or register my Power of Attorney with the Land Titles Office?Generally speaking, a Power of Attorney has to be registered with a land titles office/department if it could affect real property (land or other real estate). For example, if the Attorney is authorised to mortgage or sell the Donors real estate, or to purchase real estate on behalf of the Donor, the Power of Attorney will probably have to be registered at the appropriate office. Usually there is a fee for registration of the document. Additionally some jurisdictions provide stricter registration requirements. In Tasmania, all Powers of Attorney (whether g eneral or enduring) must be registered with the Recorder of Titles. In Northern Territory, all Enduring Powers of Attorney must be lodged at he Registrar-Generals Office.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Using Social Media to Find a Job 9 Tips

Using Social Media to Find a Job 9 TipsUsing Social Media to Find a Job 9 TipsSocial media can be used for much more than interacting socially with friends and relatives. However, you may be surprised to learn that social media can also be used as an effective job search and career networking tool. In fact,92% of recruiters use social media for recruiting, according to one study.Another interesting stat is that 73% of millennials found their last position through a social media site, proving this can be a worthwhile and smart approach. Weve compiled a list of tips for using social media to find a job, which could be useful at any stage in your career.Follow these nine tips for using social media to find a job1. Write down your plan.Just like writing a business plan, consider formulating your plan and goals for finding a new job and then putting it in writing. Writing down your goals can be a good way to hone your focus so your search is conducted most effectively.2. Scrub your social networks.Using a critical eye, review each of your social networks and delete any posts that are too personal, too political, or too silly. Keep anything thats professional and add new posts that show that youre an upstanding community member who participates in civic engagement and who promotes professional ideals. Consider deleting social media accounts that are unnecessary or that youre not currently active in.3. Present a professional image.Review the photos on your Facebook profile or other social media accounts and remove any that show you in a comprising position, such as drinking alcohol or partying. Also, consider updating all profile photos to ones that project a professional image. Consider asking a photographer friend to take shots of you in professional attire in a clean environment to use as your social media profile photo.4. Be authentic.Use your real name on your social media accounts instead of nicknames, especially when youre looking for a new career. Review each social network profile description or bio and revise anything that doesnt present your most polished image.5. Become a subject matter expert.Start posting and reposting items that are relevant to your career or area of expertise. Cross post these items to each social media account, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others. Using a tafelgeschirr like Hootsuite or Buffer can allow you to schedule and post to multiple sites at the same time using the same message, which saves time. Write well-researched, succinct posts to showcase your knowledge and expertise. Also, follow relevant career-oriented sites to stay engaged with the latest information in your field and consider reposting articles or data that aligns with your career.6. Become more engaged.Become a more active participant in the social media realm. Not every post has to be career-related, but while youre searching for a new job you should remain active and keep your posts neutral. Consider posting once or twice a we ek to keep each social media account active.7. Network with other professionals and sites.Connect with experts in your field on social media and find chapters or groups where you can gain membership. These affiliations will show potential employers that youre serious about your career, which could help you to be considered a good candidate for an open position.For example, use LinkedIn Groups to search potential groups that match your skills and request to join. If youre an editor seeking employment, request to join Publishing and Editing Professionals to forge professional relationships.8. Engage in job search pages and sites.Once your social media accounts are scrubbed and career-focused, now is the time to engage with job search and recruiting sites. Build relationships in your field and connect with career-specific recruiting pages to look for potential job postings. Dont forget to link to or follow specific company sites where you may find a job in your field. Using social medi a to find a job can be one of your most effective tools.9. Create a landing page and combine all social networks there.Once youve taken the steps above, consider creating a website or landing page to consolidate all social media accounts so you can direct potential employers or recruiters to this one-stop page.Know someone looking for a job? Refer a friend to with this link- youll get a month free service and theyll get 30% off

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Who Else Is Misleading Us About Modern Resume Design?

Who Else Is Misleading Us About Modern Resume plan? The Advantages of Modern Resume Design Surely, you dont need to bore your prospective employer with lifeless simple resume. If you choose a one-page resume, make certain to tailor it like the example above. Employing the right resume format is crucial in quickly draw in the eye of a prospective employer. The Modern Resume Design titel Up So long as you get a good landing date at that destination thats in the very close to future, they ought to consider your application. At-a-glance, the document should seem clean. A modern resume ought to be simple to read and attractively planed. What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About Modern Resume Design When youre asking for a job which relies on the strengths of the person, you want a resume schablone which you can inject a little more personality into to make it pop. The initial one is about outlining your abilities and your availability in a given job position. This design can help you succeed in which ever job youre searching for. This absolutely free CV design offers a chance to express your very best qualities with a extremum quantity of words. What Is So Fascinating About Modern Resume Design? You may use the identical graphic on your cover letter to provide your application a polished, pulled-together appearance. Easily you are able to chanage color. Business cards are also included to finish the look. The CV vorlage isnt just simple to edit, but nonetheless, it also comes in two color variations and can be utilized in both landscape and portrait orientation. Modern Resume Design Explained Big selection of design style will make sure you will locate a resume template that fits with your taste. Easy and classic with a tiny bit of flair. If youre searching for a more traditional resume template that still creates a bold impression, have a look at this creation from Finish designer Mats-Peter Forss. This totally free timeline-based resume template was produced by graphic designer Patryk Korycki. The entire group of resume templates is composed of an array of creative resume designs. These templates are excellent for a graphic artist or designer as an example, but if youre applying to become an accountant, you might want to go for an elegant or traditional design instead. New Ideas Into Modern Resume Design Never Before Revealed There are a lot of free creative resume templates youll be able to use, enabling you to focus your energy on everything else you have to do. Using soothing blues indicates that you wish to be elendiced, without being aggressive. Why dont you offer this wonderful Bundle a try. Its free for private and industrial use. Key Pieces of Modern Resume Design Keep in mind a modern font is most effective for impressing a modern employer. Avoid messing up the dates, especially when you have been unemployed for a very long moment. How well you layout your resume is important to increasing your likelihood of getting hired. Just take a look at another CV template to impress prospective employers. Modern Resume Design Secrets That No One Else Knows About Youre able to download the totally free template here. The template is not difficult to customize and edit in addition to print-ready. It is compatible with Microsoft Word as well as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. It is available in PSD format. Modern Resume Design for Dummies No cost fonts used, links in the readme file. There are lots of free resume templates readily available online but sometimes it can be very tough to select the best one that is most suited to you. Take advantage of social networking. Free for personal and business use. Up in Arms About Modern Resume Design? The Illustrator file makes the the majority of colour to assist its simplicity. Selecting the most suitable fonts for your resume is essential so choose wisely. The template employs an intriguing layout with a lot of fun fonts. It includes two resume pages as well as a cover letter template and can easily be edited and customized with your choice of fonts and colors. Presentation is the secret to success and lets the strong stand from the crowd. Men and women utilize an assortment of resume templates using different type of design approaches, but ultimately its always likely to come to the simple fact that your resume should convey a very clear message above your skills, your experience, and also why youd be the ideal candidate for the position. The templates are all available from Behance, one of the greatest places to showcase your creative abilities, in addition to to discover the job of up-and-coming talents. Choosing Good Modern Resume Design Recruiters wish to be able to evaluate your abilities quickly, thus a great resume design is vital to getting noticed. Its not worth to get rid of a job youve always desired. Job Resume lets you create your very own personal brand logo in just a couple minutes. Infograp hic-style resumes have gotten popular, and they may be effective when done well. Modern Resume Design Help Youre now able to earn a fantastic first impact with professional styling and personalized appearance. The exceptional design of this CV will enable you to clearly show your creative side also. Each one of our creative style templates provide a perfectly balanced mixture of personality, professionalism and a little style. A timeless style resume template is also simple to customize. Since you may see, theres a wide selection of freebies to pick from. Whats also cool about our hand-picked selection is the simple fact that numerous packages include bonuses like cover letters or company cards. A few of the templates are free while others cost a couple of dollars. Follow the hyperlink to work out a multitude of resume examples in a selection of fashions. Vital Pieces of Modern Resume Design You could also see Modern Business Resume Templates One of the absolute most impor tant things to keep in mind while writing a resume is that its not an autobiography. Once you have decided on your perfect resume template from our selection, follow our completely free expert guidance about ways to craft the ideal modern resume. Our professionally designed resume templates will not simply help save you time, it is going to make your resume look professional by assisting you to organize all the important information that recruiters are seeking. The very first template on the list features an elegant black and white modern resume design that could be used for any kind of job in any business.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Professional Development Opportunities at CarGurus

Professional Development Opportunities at CarGurus Below is an article originally written by Anacany Gardner, M.S., at PowerToFly Partner CarGurus, and published on July 11, 2019. Go to CarGurus page on PowerToFly to see their open positions and learn more.At one point or another, we all have that moment when we realize that were not exactly where we want to be in life. We may feel stagnant in our careers or maybe just feel like were at a standstill. For me, that moment materialized the day I turned 30 in the summer of 2013. That Fall, I applied to and got accepted into Northeastern University as an adult learner (go Huskies). I obtained my Bachelors degree in 2015 and keeping that momentum, my Masters degree in 2017.If youre anything like me, you love learning and youre constantly thinking up ways of becoming a better version of yourself. Youre aware that personal development builds self-confidence, which in turn leads to success. Ever since I graduated, Ive made it a point to learn something new every day. Whether its getting my hands on an e-book on compensation or self-studying at home for the Professional in Human Resources certification exam, my brain is always active and Im always up for learning new skills.Ive had my eye on LinkedIn Learning for quite some time, but I couldnt quite justify the price tag that came along with it. You can imagine my surprise when I found out that I would be part of the pilot group for a LinkedIn Learning subscription through the awesome company I work for, CarGurus. For those of you who arent familiar with LinkedIn Learning, the platform offers bite-sized, high-quality and easy-to-digest courses led by industry experts, some of which you can watch in under 30 minutes. Whats not to love about that? Once I heard the news, I quickly bookmarked several courses, queuing up my course list within minutes of signing up like someone trying to binge watch a show on Netflix before their free trial ends. In the first week alone, I wat ched over 10 hours of video The first thing worth noting about LinkedIn Learning is the wide selection of courses available. Want to learn WordPress so that you can start a blog? Want to learn all about podcasts so that you can start one aboutcats? How bout taking a deeper dive into Google Analytics, conflict resolution, or time management? The learning opportunities are endless, and I was SO there for it The second thing worth noting is the ease of use. You can watch a course from your mobile device, download it for offline access, and easily plek up where you left off if you cant complete it in one sitting. Thats perfect for a commuter like me, who takes the train to and from Cambridge every day. And lastly, once you complete a course, you can add it to your LinkedIn profile and show the world your commitment to learningMy advice to you? Step out of stagnancy and take advantage of tools like this to personally develop yourself. The way I look at it, any time you invest in your own personal development is time well spent.Heres the kicker (and this part only applies to my fellow Gurus, of course) CarGurus is rolling out LinkedIn Learning to all of its employees. Read that again. The leadership team here at CarGurus has generously agreed to purchase licenses for each individual employee. Thats huge Now, theres really no excuse not to learn JavaScript, C++ or Python. If youre left-brained and tend to be more creative/artistic, how does screenwriting, Photoshop, logo design or music theory for songwriters sound? My hope is that after reading this, youre intentional and commit to leading yourself. Bookmark what speaks to you like I did and queue up that course list so that you, too, can learn something new every day One of the biggest challenges in almost all industries today is achieving gender parity. Gender diversity provides huge benefits in the workplace. pWhile some industries have m ade significant advancements in gender diversity, some industries lag further behind... and the construction industry is well-known for being in the latter category. If someone says, construction workers, youll likely picture a group of men in yellow hard hats analyzing an architects plans or laying bricks on top of a scaffold. And men at work signs only help to reinforce this image.pThis stereotype is rooted in reality. When was the last time you actually spotted a woman on a construction site? Or hired a female plumber or carpenter? Your answer is most likely never. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statisticsreports that only 3.4% of the total of 8.3 million construction employees are women.pBut the construction industry has a lot more to offer than steel-toed boots and hard hats, and it needs women to help advance the industry in this era of rapid change. Here are 5 reasons why women joining the workforce or looking to make a pivot should consider a career in construction.h21. Fuel I nnovation/h2pNot only is diversity the socially and morally right thing to do, but it is also actually an excellent business strategy. pResearch presented in the Harvard geschftlicher umgang Reviewshows that diverse teams develop more innovative ideas. This is further supported by a study conducted by Gallupon the performance of gender-diverse teams versus single-gender teams, which found that the difference in backgrounds and perspectives led to better business performance and problem-solving. h22. Capitalize on Demand/h2pThe construction industry is currently experiencing a labor shortage. The industry itself is booming and projected to be one of the fastest-growing industries, with total spending projected to exceed $1.45 trillion in 2023/a. However, most construction companies are unable to meet the rising demand. pAccording to the Associated General Contractors of America/a, more than 80% of contractors are experiencing difficulties filling hourly craft positions that represent the bulk of the construction workforce.pAnd demand isnt limited to individual contributor roles. Given the industry boom, there are a number of open stable and high-paying roles (any project managers out there?) waiting for the right candidateh23. Leadership Opportunities/h2pAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics/a, women compose only 7.7% of the total 1 million managerial positions in given the highly collaborative nature of construction work, more women in leadership roles would help drive innovation and enhance productivity.Furthermore, as a woman in construction in a leadership position, youd have the unique opportunity to drive change for the industry and make it a more attractive option for other women.h24. High-Income Potential/h2pSalaries for many skilled positions in construction are on the rise, making a construction career a prime choice for women looking for a high-paying job,pThe 2018 Construction Craft Salary Surveyconducted by the National C enter for Construction Education and Research revealed that salaries for many skilled craft areas are increasing. Project managers and project supervisors topped the list at $92,523 and $88,355, respectively. The next set of highest-paying jobs include those of combo welders ($71,067), instrumentation technicians ($70,080), pipe welders ($69,222), power line workers ($68,262) and industrial electricians ($67,269). Of the 32 categories of workers in the survey, 19 positions earned an average salary of $60,000 or higher.h25. Sense of accomplishment/h2p The construction industry can give employees a unique sense of achievement. Yes, the job is stressful and the work can be demanding, but nothing beats the feeling of being able to build something from the ground up. pHow many professionals in other industries can point at a school, a hospital, or a skyscraper and say I helped build that?pThe construction industry has a long way to go in combating gender bias and supporting women in the workforce, but given the current demand for workers, theres no better time to pick up a sledgehammer (figurative or literal) and smash the gender stereotypes plaguing the construction industry.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Quest for Robotic Grace

Quest for Robotic Grace Quest for Robotic Grace Quest for Robotic GraceThe robots used for manufacturing and assembly are far from balletic. They dont turn on a dime and they dont manipulate parts with grace. In fact, their manufacturing capabilities are hindered by their lack of agility.The National Institute of Standards and Technology has plans to change that, however, through the Agile Robotics for Industrial Automation Competition, which is now in the planning stages and will officially kick off in August. The competitions goal is to develop agile industrial robots that will be more productive, more autonomous, and to require less time from shop floor workers than do todays manufacturing robots.Those who enter the competition will take advantage of advances in artificial intelligence and robotic planning to create their specialized robots. The robots must be able to sense their environments and to identify and recover from failures on the manufacturing floor, says Craig Schlenof f group leader of the NIST Cognition and Collaboration Systems Group in the niveauvoll Systems Division. He and William Harrison, also a part of the division, are leading competition and planning.Identifying and recovering from failure means that when a part a robot needs isnt in its predetermined location, the robot can find that part and then continue on with its job.If you look out at how robots are being used in industry, theyre highly repeatable and accurate, but theyre not agile, Schlenoff says. If a part is in a slightly different location then where a robot expects it to be, it fails at its job.This robot is challenged to demonstrate its dexterity on NIST test artifacts. Image NISTThe competition is a joint effort between the IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering and NISTs Intelligent Systems Division. All competitors are welcome, Schlenoff says. Theyll demonstrate their solutions by simulated via computer model their robots real-world manufacturing operation .To gear up for competition planning, he and Harrison spent time following robots for four hours intervals at many manufacturing facilities. They found that robots failed and had to be reset about 15 or 16 times within those four-hour chunks, Schlenoff says.If the parts got thrown off by only a few millimeters robots cant deal with it. They also cant what went wrong and try to fix it, he adds.Though robots are repeatablemeaning they can do the same job in exactly the same manner over and over againthey cant perform varied tasks, Harrison says. This is a problem for the many small to mid-sized manufacturers take advantage of rapid replanning methods, by which they regularly change up assembly lines and work with various assembly configurations. Robots cant keep up with those changes, Harrison says.For large companies they set up a robot to do a million times over the course of a year, but when you start introducing robots into smaller shops that create ten or 50 products, its a large task to reprogram the robots, Harrison says. Itd be easier for a person to come the job than to reprogram the robots.So competitors will be tasked with building robots that are easy to quickly reprogram.Another part of the challenge will be ensuring robots can plug and play that is, can operate with robots from various vendors.When a company purchases a brand of robots theyre usually tied to that brand because theres so much infrastructure tailored to that robot, Harrison says. We want smaller manufacturers to be able to make the best use of the different types of robots that are out there.The simulation-based competition will be held in the cloud, which means competitors from all over the world will simulate robot behavior on an open-source robotics infrastructure that exists on a cloud platform. Challenges might include asking the simulated robot to recognize that a part has dropped off the line, to pick it up, and to put it back into the assembly, Schlenoff says.The competition will officially be kicked off at the IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering held in Fort Work Texas in August.All the competition challenges will relate to whats called kitting, in which a robot compiles the kit of parts needed to assemble a product or part of a product. Though kitting is commonly used by manufacturers, development of the kit is a highly manual process mostly done by employees, Schlenoff says.Should this first-year robots agility challenge go well, NIST and IEEE will likely carry it forward to future years, he adds.If kitting is a solved problem then we may go to, for example, full assembly, which is a much more challenging thing for robots to do, Schlenoff says.Jean Thilmany is an independent writer.Explore IoT hardware from the component to the system level at ASMEs IoT Connect For Further DiscussionIf the parts got thrown off by only a few millimeters robots cant deal with it. They also cant tell what went wrong and try to fix it.Craig Schlenoff, N IST

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Top Finance Resume Keywords (Examples)

The Top Finance Resume Keywords (Examples) The Top Finance Resume Keywords (Examples) By reading through resume examples, job seekers can get an accurate sense of how they compare with others in the field. Do they have sought-after credentials? Do they know the latest tools? Do they have enough accomplishmentsto climb aleidher step up the ladder? While its common to search through resume examples to answer these questions and more, job seekers should not forget that targeted resumes are the name of the game. Resume keywords are a big factor in standing out from a sea of applicants. For help tailoring your resume, its best to turn not to resume examples, but to job listingsthey are the ultimate source of resume keywords.The word cloud above was generated using the text from a dozen finance industry job postings. The larger the word, the more often it appeared.Finance industry jobs are highly sought after by many in large part because of the prestige and the paychecks. If youre looking for a job in finance, youll be facing a lot of competition. Having the right resume keywords is one way to differentiate yourself.Finance resume keywordsIf you want a job in finance, include these resume keywords wherever applicableAnalysisAssetCFAClientComplianceEquityExcelFinancialInsuranceInvestmentLicensesManagementModelsPerformancePortfolioRecommendationsReportsResearchReviewValuationResume skillsAs you can see from this list, finance jobs require talent and experience with data and analysis. Many finance jobs also require candidates to pass specific exams and possess certain credentials. In order to sit for some of these exams, you must have an industry sponsor. If you are interested in working in the finance industry, youll have to thoroughly research whats considered necessary for the roles that interest you.Math and Microsoft Excel skills are also, obviously, at the top of the priorities list. And dont forget the people skills necessary to work with clients and make persua sive presentations. (While youre studying for your exams, you might also want to join Toastmasters.)JobscanUsing resume keywords properly requires finesse. Stuffing your resume text full of words you think might be applicable wont work, and neither will copying and pasting sections from the job listing itself. The key is to tailor your resume for each individual job listing. This isnt a time-consuming process once youre familiar with resume keywords, and provided youre working from something like a career management document. Creating a new resume from scratch each time isnt necessary, and isnt even advisable.To quickly find out whether your resume is targeted well, try Jobscan. All you have to do is paste in the text of your resume and the job description, and Jobscan will provide instant feedback about things youve done well and things you can do better. Resume examples can be a great source of inspiration, but they are no match for individualized feedback.?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

This is the huge networking mistake you dont know youre making

This is the huge networking mistake you dont know youre makingThis is the huge networking mistake you dont know youre makingThere are a host of ways you can go wrong when writing business and networking emails, from horrible subject lines to forgetting to include attachments.But you could also be making another huge mistake - not making a request about the next steps.As the sender, its up to you to be clear about what you want the recipient to do, as Quartz at Work notes.Heres why you should include a requestHeather Piedmont, CEO and Founder of Heather Piedmont Media, illustrates how to include an action item in a networking email in a Levo post.Dont let it end at just an email that can be passed by give them something to do in response, Piedmont writes. Suggest a time and date to meet up again and do a face-to-face follow-up, or ask a simple question for them to answer. This will make aya your message isnt ignored, and shows you want to connect further. Sometimes (and even I have t his moment)you hand over a business cardand wonder if it will even be worth the paper its made of. With an action item, you show that youre a profitable and positive connection with initiative.Heres what else you shouldnt do in networking emailsHere are some other mistakes youll want to avoidDont rambleOversharing by waxing poetic about everything thats happened in your careeris a surefire way to make the recipients eyes glaze over.So keep it brief and to the point. Make it clear that their time is valuable.Dont copy unnecessary recipients at the companyLooping everyone in isnt always a good thing.Anisa Purbasari Horton, ofFast Companys Leadership section, features advice from Peggy Duncan, productivity expert, author of Conquer Email Overload with Better Habits, Etiquette and Outlook, and founder of The Digital Breakthroughs Institute, in an article for the publication about the follow-up email.Duncan said, When sending an email, ask yourself who needs to receive the information yo ure sending, and only send it to those individuals. If this isnt clear, ask yourself the question, Would I pick this person to call about what Im about to email them? If the answer is no, Duncan said, Why are you emailing them about it?Dont fail to turn on the charmIts possible to kill two birds with one stone here.Heather R. Huhman, founder president of Come Recommended, writes on LinkedIn that you should feed their ego in a networking email.A great way to capture someones attention is to flatter them with your email,Huhman writes. For example, you can highlight one of their accomplishments that impressed you or something you admire about them. This is a great way to show youve done some research and that youre genuinely interested in building a relationship with the person.